Hello Dear Collective. » intimate. bold. eclectic.

Happy Birthday, Jacqueline!

Oh my darling Jacqueline, let me count the ways….

…of how you make my life so much better! Of course I do not have enough fingers for such a task, but here are a few none-the-less. You are my inspiration, on a day to day basis and I find myself constantly striving to be better… for you. You make every task seem so easy, and every goal attainable. Without you in my life, I would not be whole. Thank you for always being there for me, for being patient and kind, and always creative. You are my sister and best friend.

You deserve the very best birthday wishes to come true!
Happy Birthday!

  • Jacqueline

    Awww!! You are uber sweet and I got a little thrill discovering this sweet post only today!! I love you, always and forever best friend!!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Renee Simon

    Gorgeous photo love!!ReplyCancel

    • Jacqueline

      And here I thought I looked goofy! 😛

      Thanks sweet lady! ReplyCancel

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