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airman’s run.

Airmen completing Air Force Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, participate in a 2.5-mile Airmen’s run on Thursday of graduation week. The run is a victory celebration of the challenges overcome and esprit de corps gained by Airmen during training. As the flights run by they sing jodies (marching songs) that represent their flight’s mascot. This moment is the first time that the trainees have seen their families in 2 months, but they are not allowed to even look at them while they run.

Hearing the crowds cheer and the soldiers chant was a very emotional experience. Many people were overwhelmed and were cautioned not to run after their Airman. This particular morning was overcast, which was a blessing because the heat is sweltering in Texas. Our Airman was a Bulldog, Squadron #326. Hooyah Bulldogs!

  • Jacqueline

    Yay Dane!!! 🙂

    Those pictures really made me choke up, I felt very proud. For as little time as I have spent with him, you cannot help but be amazed at the dedication he has begun to put into our country.

    Hooyah Bulldogs!!ReplyCancel

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